Σχόλιο Σ.Ο.: Η Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη θα επιβάλει δια νόμου την κατανάλωση δηλητηρίων.Ετοιμάζεται νέο νομοσχέδιο στην Γερουσία των ΗΠΑ για απαγόρευση της ελεύθερης κηπουρικής και των σπιτικών οργανικών τροφών. Δεν φτάνει που στον νέο Μεσαίωνα του νεοφιλελευθερισμού και του άσφαιρου μαρξισμού που τον “αντιμάχεται” θα εξαθλιωθεί ο πληθυσμός και θα συνθλιβεί η μεσαία τάξη, ετοιμάζουν ήδη τα νομικά τους όπλα για να καταστείλουν όσους θελήσουν να δραπετεύσουν από την παράνοια της Νέας Τάξης,επιστρέφοντας στις μικρές, αυτάρκεις, αγροτικές κοινότητες όπου ο καθένας θα μπορεί τουλάχιστον να παράγει την τροφή γι’ αυτόν, την οικογένειά του και την κοινότητά του.
Θέλουν οι επιλογές μας για φαγητό να μείνουν στα μεταλλαγμένα τροφικά τερατουργήματα και τα εμποτισμένα με δηλητήριο αναλώσιμα των πολυεθνικών υπερκαταστημάτων. Δεν μας θέλουν να έχουμε επιλογή να τρώμε τις ντομάτες του γείτονα, τις πατάτες του συγχωριανού, το λάδι του θείου, τα μήλα του κουμπάρου. Μας θέλουν να τρώμε τα άγνωστης ταυτότητας, ποιότητας και σύνθεσης φρούτα και λαχανικά που θα εισάγωνται από άγνωστες χώρες και με αδιαφανείς και άγνωστες συνθήκες παραγωγής.
Μια ακόμη ύπουλη διάταξη αυτού του νόμου είναι η απαγόρευση φύλαξης σπόρων. Γιατί άραγε…; Γιατί μόνο οι αφανείς αφέντες αυτού πλανήτη να έχουν τέτοιο δικαίωμα; Σύντομα να περιμένουμε τέτοιες νομοθεσίες και στην Ε.Ε.
‘Natural News‘
«Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw gardening and saving seeds»
16 November 2010
Mike Adams
Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act, has been called “the most dangerous bill in the history of the United States of America.” It would grant the U.S. government new authority over the public’s right to grow, trade and transport any foods. This would give Big brother the power to regulate the tomato plants in your backyard. It would grant them the power to arrest and imprison people selling cucumbers at farmer’s markets. It would criminalize the transporting of organic produce if you don’t comply with the authoritarian rules of the federalgovernment.
“It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption offood and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to naturallaw or, if you like, the will of God.” – Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower (http://shivchopra.com/?page_id=2)
This tyrannical law puts all food production (yes, even food produced in your own garden) under the authority of the Department of Homeland Security. Yep — the very same people running the TSA and its naked body scanner / passenger groping programs.
This law would also give the U.S. government the power to arrest any backyard food producer as a felon (a “smuggler”) for merely growing lettuce and selling it at a local farmer’s market.
It also sells out U.S. sovereignty over our own food supply by ceding to the authority of both the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Codex Alimentarius.
It would criminalize seed saving (http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/20…), turning backyard gardeners who save heirloom seeds into common criminals. This is obviously designed to givecorporations like Monsanto a monopoly over seeds.
It would create an unreasonable paperwork burden that would put small food producers out of business, resulting in more power over the food supply shifting to large multinational corporations.
I encourage you to read more about this dangerous bill at the Food Freedom blog on WordPress: http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/20…
Watch this excellent video on NaturalNews.TV which explains S.510 in more detail:
Take action now or lose your right to grow your own food
Sign this petition at Citizens for Health:
Do it today! This is really important.
In addition, the Cornucopia Institute recently sent out an urgent call-to-action email containing the following information: (http://www.cornucopia.org/2010/11/a…)
How to protest Senate Bill 510
1) Go to Congress.org and type in your zip code in the box in the upper right hand corner.
2) Click on your Senator’s name, and then on the contact tab for their phone number. You can also call the Capitol Switchboard and ask to be directly connected to your Senator’s office: 202-224-3121.
3) Once connected ask to speak to the legislative staff person responsible for agriculture. If they are unavailable leave a voice mail message. Be sure to include your name and phone number.
Give them this message in support of the “Tester Amendment” which would exempt small farms from S.510:
“I am a constituent of Senator___________. I ask that he/she support the Tester Amendment to the food safety bill. The Tester Amendment will exempt the safest, small, owner-operator farms and food facilities and farmers who direct market their products to consumers, stores or restaurants. Food safety legislation should not create inappropriate and costly regulatory barriers to family farms and the growing healthy food movement in the drive to crack down on corporate bad actors. Please support the Tester Amendment and market opportunities for small and mid-sized family farms, and small food processing facilities.”
You may also wish to explain that you oppose the Food Safety Modernization Act in its entirety, and it is a destructive, freedom-crushing law that will destroy the future of food inAmerica.
Remember, America has already lost control over its money supply to the Federal Reserve (nearly a hundred years ago). America has lost its health due to the medical industry and its profit-from-sickness agenda. Now we may lose our right to grow our own food and save our own seeds if Senate Bill 510 passes.
This is a dangerous, tyrannical law that would thrust the American people into an age of darkness and malnutrition. It would criminalize many of the very people growing our food and turn food production into yet another corporate monopoly.
Please take the time right now to contact your U.S. Senator and voice your strong opposition to this bill.